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Running a startup is no simple feat. As a new CEO, chances are you’re currently being faced with countless decisions that may impact the future of your business, including how to best approach product development. Typically, this means debating between facilitating the process internally or outsourcing to a third-party industrial design company. Both options are surely beneficial in their own right, however, this decision is always best made with careful consideration of the distinct demands and stipulations of both your business and general product idea. 



Here at DesignStein Studios, we understand just how challenging it can feel for new business owners to determine their optimal design route. To help simplify this, we curated this list of the 5 biggest factors every CEO should consider when deciding whether outsourcing is right for their startup: 


Available Resources

It’s no secret that designing requires access to highly specific tools, including software, data collections, production materials, programs, and more. In so many words, these resources are integral to an efficient work process. That being said, electing an in-house design team means it will most likely be your responsibility as the CEO to provide them with these necessary tools. However, if you rather not deal with the extra step of researching and sourcing this equipment yourself, as well as providing adequate training, then outsourcing is the exact solution you need. This is because third-party industrial design agencies, including us here at DesignStein Studios, are already stocked with an arsenal of top-of-the-line design tools and cutting-edge technologies, meaning we’re ready to get to work- immediately! 


Logistics And Manufacturing

In product development, engineering a design is only a small piece of the puzzle. The last step is actually getting these innovations mass-produced, which will necessitate the help of suppliers, factories, warehouses, quality control inspectors, distribution centers, and more. Much like with the previous point, startups with in-house design teams will have to recruit these many production partners themselves, including doing the extensive research to find the best facilities for your product, inquiring about their services, comparing prices, and keeping contact for updates after production has begun. Suffice it to say, there are lots of moving parts when it comes to manufacturing and logistics, but industrial design companies can certainly help make it as straightforward as possible! How so? Most industrial designers already have connections with credible production partners that we can easily contact on your behalf. Additionally, we are also able to facilitate all follow-ups and general communication throughout the entire mass-production process, so we can ensure their work continues to stay up to your standards. 


Previous Experience 

When contemplating in versus out-house product development, it is imperative that startups consider the amount of design experience readily available among their own employees. That is to say, if it is the case that your team does not have the correct skillset for product development, it may be in your project’s best interest to onboard a group of qualified designers. After all, product design can be a finicky process, and opting to facilitate this task in-house typically means your team will have to navigate these arduous roadblocks on their own. On the other hand, outsourcing allows you to instead collaborate alongside a team of knowledgeable designers who understand exactly what is required to successfully engineer high-quality innovations without any extra stress or hassle on your business’ end. 


Expected Budgets

Are you working with a stringent budget? If yes, then it might be time to book a consultation with an industrial design company! Here at DesignStein Studios, we are incredibly conscious of each and every client’s allocated budget. Not only that, but we aim to always utilize cost-effective practices in our work process as a means to reduce costs and maximize profitability overall. In other words, with every project our design team takes on, we ensure there is never any needless waste or misuse of materials, money, and time to keep our expenses right in line with the client’s requests. 


Complexity Of Design 

To put it short, product development can be quite a tricky process in and of itself! Unfortunately, this is only exacerbated by the increasing complexity of the design in question, as the more detailed your product idea is, the more likely your project is to run into roadblocks. Of course, this can be a frustrating situation for anyone, but especially for CEOs of startups who want nothing more than to get their products on the shelves as quickly as possible. Rather than attempting to navigate the pitfalls of an intricate design plan, enlisting the assistance of industrial design services is a quick way to sidestep this concern. Ultimately, as designers, we are here to make your product concept a reality, no matter how complex of a design it may require. 


Contact DesignStein Studios Today

Running a startup business certainly comes with its own set of obstacles, but product development doesn’t have to be one of them! If you’re curious about the impressive benefits outsourcing can have on your new business, give DesignStein Studios at 714-375-4846 to schedule a consultation today. 


This blog is brought to you by a local industrial design company in California, DesignStein Studios, servicing Irvine, Orange County, LA County, and San Diego County. 

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