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As an industrial design company, we offer consultations so that inquiring business owners may gather all the information they need about their product development. In the case of startups and first-time business owners, this service can be especially useful! After all, designing mass-producible products can be quite a tricky process, so it’s understandable that these businesses would appreciate a bit more coaching when it comes to learning the ins and outs of industrial design. However, we’re more than happy to provide them with all the information they need to navigate these operations and turn their dream product concept into a reality. 




Are you new to the world of product development? Here are 4 topics we regularly discuss with first-time business owners during their consultations so they can better understand the processes of this incredible field. Keep reading so you too may begin the product design process well-informed and with confidence! 


How long does it take to develop a product? 

When it comes to your project’s timeline, it is important to have realistic expectations. As much as we would all love to have an idea one day and then hit the market the very next, it’s unfortunately not feasible! In actuality, it may take anywhere from a couple of months to a year or more to complete the entire product development process, from preliminary research stages to mass production.


There are many factors that can affect the expected timeline of your project. For instance, the complexity of the design or the initial success or failure of a prototype’s functionality may all influence the length of a project. In the end, patience truly is key when it comes to awaiting your finalized product, but it is still important to note that every step your designers make, no matter how small, brings you one day closer to actualizing the vision you have been anticipating all along.


What can I expect to spend on developing my product? 

Much like timelines, expenses are also dependent on a variety of outside factors, such as the volume of units you would like mass-produced, the materials used, and, again, the complexity of your design. After all, it would certainly be less expensive to produce 100 plastic chairs in comparison to 10,000 heated massage recliners made of leather. However, no matter what you would like to create, the right team will always work with you to make it a reality within a reasonable budget. In fact, industrial designers will often devise a spending plan and use the most cost-efficient measures possible so as to ensure that everything is being spent wisely and that there are no wasted resources. The result is a stunning, high-quality, and, above all, profitable product that was well worth your investment. 


Don’t have a budget in mind yet? No worries! A consultation with an industrial design company can help resolve this. Just let us know what it is you want to create and together, we can determine a figure that works based on your specifications. 


What is the difference between in-house product development and outsourcing

One of the many decisions you’ll have to make at the beginning of your product development process is whether to opt for an in-house design team or outsource this work. There are quite a few differences between the two, which is why it is important to make an informed decision. Essentially, in-house development is executed within your business operation. This means the team is composed of your own employees, matters are dealt with internally, and as the business owner, you must supply these designers with direction and resources. On the other hand, outsourcing is its direct opposite as it involves hiring a third-party company to externally overtake these responsibilities pertaining to product development. While a credible firm will most certainly upkeep communication with you and use your word as the final say, your business will not have to deal with the more involved aspects of building a product when you choose to outsource, leaving you all the freedom to focus on your more day to day work responsibilities. 


If I outsource product development, will industrial designers manage the entire project? What if I only need help with a couple of tasks? 

Whether you are looking for a la carte or full-service product development assistance, industrial designers can certainly help. With companies such as DesignStein Studios, we are able to offer a full array of industrial design services, from market research, project management, ideation and design, prototyping, drafting production documents, and much more. No matter what clients are in need of in the realm of product development, industrial designers are on it! We can also assist with IP protection as well as seek credible vendors, factories, and fulfillment centers to task with the mass production of your product, all thanks to our industry connections. Truly, industrial design companies are well equipped to take a simple idea all the way into a tangible, mass-producible device that is ready to hit the market. 


In the case of businesses that already have an in-house team, collaborating with an industrial design company is still a worthwhile option to consider. Under some circumstances, your team may benefit from some additional direction or perspective, in which you can opt to onboard an industrial design company to facilitate your designer’s process via project management, schedule a consultation for second opinions, or even overtake the entirety of one specific phase or task. Overall, industrial design firms are very much able to supplement your in-house team to increase efficiency in whatever capacity necessary. 


Industrial Design Companies Are Here to Help 

Getting into the business of designing, manufacturing, and selling a product for a startup can be a cumbersome adventure, but that doesn’t mean you need to brave it alone! If you have any more questions about what this process entails, schedule a consultation with an industrial design company today. As industry professionals, we will always be more than happy to provide you with the information you need about what product design and development entails. Whether you’d like to know about improving your design, cutting costs, getting the process started, or anything in between, industrial designers are at your service.  


This blog is brought to you by DesignStein Studios, among the top industrial design companies in California.

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