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A new year isn’t just a new opportunity to create bigger and better products; it’s also a chance to take stock and look at the prevailing philosophies and trends in design. Here is a quick list of the design trends that will dominate 2018:

The Internet Is Everywhere

The smartphone touched off more than just a revolution in the way people communicate, but also in the way products are designed. Given the convenience the Internet provides, people now expect more products to be internet capable from their fitness trackers, to their fridges, and even their shoes—hence the rise of “the Internet of things.” In 2018, expect even more products to come out that can access and transmit data seamlessly through the worldwide web.

Human-Centered Design

A lot of inventors get bogged down with the specs and features of their products—after all, people are impressed by numbers, right? While this is indeed true, your product’s spec sheet should not overshadow its user experience. Especially this year, more designers will aim to create designs and products that are more inclusive, something that everyone from a five-year-old to a 50-year-old will intuitively get.

Virtual Troubleshooting

2017 was the year that augmented reality (AR) became mainstream, thanks to a popular mobile game. However, the unique opportunities provided by this novel technology is being explored in other industries as well. For instance, AR is now being used to connect different people so they can review and troubleshoot products or designs more collaboratively. Hence, geography is no longer a barrier to efficient product design as AR bridges that gap handily.

3D Printing Further Matures

In its early days, 3D printing was used to fabricate small items—a proof of concept of the technology’s possible uses. Today, however, we see 3D printing being utilized in a variety of awe-inspiring applications, from printing jet engine combustion liners and prosthetic limbs to even entire houses. The growing popularity of this manufacturing method lies in its simplicity—whatever it is you need to fabricate, it will be printed in real time, minimizing the need for multiple, time-consuming steps.

As you can see, 2018 is a year when technology and human-centered design will further intersect. Hence, inventors will be wise to take heed of these developments and incorporate them into their creations.

If you need a reliable partner to help bring your creations to life, be sure to work only with the most trusted product design companies in your area.


Five product-design trends to watch in 2018,

5 trends for the future of manufacturing,

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