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It’s always exciting for product design companies when someone comes up with an idea for a new invention that is fun, innovative, and serves a useful purpose. That’s the trifecta achieved by Pepperem’s Llama Pepper Spray, which is about to launch.


Self-Defense with Style


Self-defense takes all shapes and forms. We all need to feel secure when we’re out and about in the world, and that means finding confidence however we can. It might come from martial arts classes, or perhaps by carrying around a concealed weapon self-defense device that we know is there if we’re ever threatened. But such weapons self-defense devices are rarely fashionablestylish, let alone cute, and that’s certainly one thing that you can cannot say about Pepperem’s LLlama Pepper Spray. This llama-shaped pepper spray is not only adorable but packs a mean punch as well.


Incapacitating, not Lethal


Of the various weapons that you can carry,self-defense device options available, pepper spray is the most widely used one. It is legal in all 50 states and does not inflict any life-threatening or permanent injuries. seems to find a nice middle ground.  It will put a hurting on a would-be mugger, but it lacks the permanence of a knife or a gun. But a can of pepper spray on its own isn’t an item you look forward to carrying with you, and it’s nothing for which you’ll get any compliments. Law enforcement agencies always recommend for victims to not fight back but rather run away as quickly as possible. Which is why pepper spray is the primary self-defense device option for many as it allows victims to incapacitate their assailant’s senses but not agitate the attacker. Many pepper sprays also contain UV marking dye so that once law enforcement arrives, the assailant can be easily identified.  


For easy access, pepper sprays are commonly attached to the keyring. This helps ensure that the user always has the device in hand and on their person. However, for something so distinguishable, self-defense devices are rarely attractive in appearance. That’s where Pepperem’s Llama-shaped Pepper Spray is different, this pepper spray device is in the shape of a llama and “spits” out pepper spray. When the button behind the head is pressed, the pepper spray will shoot out of the llama’s mouth. Simply, push the button up to close the llama’s mouth to keep it in a locked position. Like a real llama, Pepperem’s llama-shaped pepper spray spits to protect!


As a single woman living in the city of Los Angeles, the inventor, Jacqueline, experienced many moments where she felt some extra security would be needed. For her independence and peace of mind, Jacqueline always felt that she needed to carry a self-defense device with her.  Much to her dismay, she was unsatisfied with the pepper spray options available and felt all the designs were either to bulky or tacky. As an avid animal lover, the idea for a llama that spits pepper spray came easily.


Pepperem’s Llama Pepper Spray is a llama-shaped container into which most pepper spray bottles easily fit. If you’re in a tight spot, you push the button on the back of the head. The llama’s mouth opens, and whoever is threatening you is in for a nasty surprise, as the unassuming llama unleashed a blast that’s sure to repel anyone who has invaded your personal space. You can feel safe at home, or walking the streets of the big city.


The llama seems like the perfect choice to team up with you for self-defense. They’re known for not taking nonsense from anyone, and that’s undoubtedly going to be the case with this one.


Product design companies love helping to bring these sorts of ideas to market, where creativity and practicality meet. It was the privilege of DesignStein Studios to assist the inventor of this product in working out the technical points of Llama Pepper Spray, and we’re confident that it is going to fly off the store shelves. Look for it to be available shortly, and then you too can protect yourself with the help of your temperamental llama sidekick. Checkout their website to stay comprised of when it goes on sale:


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