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Nearly every industry in the world is reacting and adjusting to the social, political, and economic changes in 2020. The impact of a global pandemic has drastically altered consumer habits, which in turn has made it necessary for product developers and designers to reevaluate the current climate. In order for an industrial design company to survive during these times, they must shift their strategies to reflect the evolving needs of the market. This includes refocusing development cycles on the production of COVID-related products and expediting workflow in order to meet consumer demands.

The growing need for face shields, masks, sanitation options, gloves, blood testers, and other medical-grade products has completely exploded the field of design and product development. Industrial design services are stepping in to offer their level of expertise to both large and small businesses in order to fill the need for these products. Not only do these products have a high demand, but they are becoming a necessary resource and security investment for nearly every citizen. Hospitals and other medical facilities, while a huge part of the market, are no longer the only institutions that require these products. The concept of personal health and wellbeing is now being marketed to everyone within the context of social distancing.

Industrial design companies in California now have more and more projects that relate to coronavirus protection and prevention. Stylish yet effective face masks with various altering features are entering into the market to target niche demands. For example, some masks are designed to have a removable filter while others have a bendable nose bridge to assist those who wear glasses. Cloth masks are being experimented with to present a better opportunity for comfort, flexibility, and breathability. From stretchy workout material masks to light t-shirt feeling masks, there is an option for every consumer. Other current design projects include: travel-sized hand sanitizers, sanitation wipes, no-touch door openers, and ergonomic face shields. In order to meet the demand for products like these, nearly every industrial design company is learning how to maximize efficiency in the workflow of these development cycles.

Other highly sought products that industrial designers are now focused on developing are those that make social distance-learning and remote-work easier. Technology has been the savior in all of this social upheaval, the one thing that has allowed people to continue working, learning, and communicating with others. Now that face-to-face interactions are limited outside of households, technology-assisting products are needed to make the at-home experience more fulfilling, more real. Industrial designers are focused on providing this emotional experience to the digital world and are integrating designs that simply make at-home life easier.

While many people are struggling in these uncertain times, there has been a huge effort made by industrial design companies to bridge the gap in consumer needs. Thanks to the available technology and insights into social climate, designers are able to create incredible products that are user-friendly, sleek-looking, and effective. With luck, these new designs will help people get through tough times and ensure that there is a brighter, fully optimized future ahead.

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